paramoremen he/his Verified
Last seen 15 hours, 33 minutes ago
I'm a freelance editor and social media manager for amateur gay porn.... Read More
I'm a freelance editor and social media manager for amateur gay porn. This account showcases a little bit of content from each of them! No PPV inside.
My personal account is @HarlanParamore
Feel free to message me about video editing, social media management, JFF management, or whatever's on your mind.
One of my many projects is creating cumpilations using clips sent to me by other JFF guys. It's a fun and easy way to bring some variety to your feed and be seen by potential new fans. If I message you, it's not spam! You just caught my eye and I decided to invite you.
I Donate 25% of my earnings to Humanitarian Assistance To Ukrai and 25% of my earnings to Trans Lifeline... Learn More

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